Saturday 4 February 2012

3 Excellent Healthy Reasons To Drink Green Tea | apicsud's blog

For some years now, the word has been spreading about the multitude of benefits of green tea, but there?s quite a lot that many people don?t realize about this healthy tea. Green tea is a gift from Asia where it has been eaten and drunk for thousands of years. Even though it?s a drink that can be very good to drink as a beverage, what matters the most is that it is so healthy for you. So what we?ll be doing today is talking about just a few of the many benefits of green tea.

Green tea can help to promote heart health and lower blood pressure. It also lowers bad cholesterol and helps the body to burn fat more efficiently, which are all important when it comes to preventing and managing cardiovascular disease. Just imagine gaining better control and regulation over your blood pressure and cholesterol plus your weight. So, according to researchers, you?ll need to drink about four cups a day of green tea to make that kind of impact on your health. Green tea comes in decaffeinated form in case the caffeine bothers you.

One obvious area that people wonder about is cancer, and yes there are are signs that green tea may play a noticeable role with cancer prevention/treatment. Green tea has antioxidant properties, and the substance known as polyphenols is known to have anti-cancer qualities in addition to offering cell protection from toxins. One study conducted in China, for example, showed that regular consumption of green tea significantly reduced the risk for cancer of the esophagus. Also, there are more cancers that may be helped with green tea; cancer of the stomach and lungs. When it comes to getting the most out of any beneficial food or supplement, including green tea, it?s best to eat a healthy diet and avoid unhealthy habits as much as possible.

Another way green tea can improve your health is that, by giving you more energy and focus, it makes it easier for you to stick to an exercise program. Just one result of that will be an easier time with the weight loss if you need to do that. While people take many supplements for energy, most are not very healthy. Energy drinks, for example, usually contain large amounts of sugar and caffeine. Yes, green tea does have caffeine, but it?s a natural state plus a cup of tea has about half the caffeine as the equivalent cup of coffee.

Your total body healthy can be supported and positively affected with green tea.

As time and more studies continue, we have every confidence that more will be uncovered about the powerful benefits of green tea. So who really knows of all the positive affects of regularly drinking green tea? That is why we feel that green tea is just such an incredible plant and food, and we hope you?ll consider embracing all that it has to offer.

The above benefits of green tea are only a few of the ones that have become known recently. This food is flexible because you can take it as capsule, other food alternatives, and of course drink the tea. The tea is delightful to drink, and you can have it every day and promote your health at the same time.

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