May 16, 2013
01. Was Benghazi Consulate a CIA Front?
02. Benghazi: Who Cares?
03. Like Jolie, She had Double Mastectomy
04. Mastectomy Is Not the Only Choice
05. 1,000 Teens Will Die in Cars this Summer
06. Lower the DUI limit?
07. Avoid Shady Contractor Scams
08. Job Advice for New Grads
09. Drug Addiction Today ? It?s Not What You Think
10. May 17th ? Food Revolution Day
11. Two Surprising Foods that are Killing You
12. Bill Kids for Cell Phone Use!
13. What Your Kids? Handwriting Can Tell You
14. Better than a Paycheck ? Find a Career
15. Hilarious Show on Midlife Crises
16. How to Say No Without Looking Selfish
17. Orthodox Jew Shares her Bipolar Journey
18. Change the Way You Age
19. Natural Allergy Remedies
20. Going Barefoot Could Save Your Life
01. ==> Was Benghazi Consulate a CIA Front?
According to former CIA analyst and director of the
National Security Project at the Center for
International Policy Melvin Goodman, ?When
congressional Republicans complete manipulating the
Benghazi tragedy, it will be time for the virtually
silent Senate intelligence committee to take up three
major issues that have been largely ignored. The
committee must investigate the fact that the U.S.
presence in Benghazi was an intelligence platform and
only nominally a consulate; the politicization by the
White House and State Department of CIA analysis of the
events in Benghazi; and the Obama administration?s
politicization of the CIA?s Office of the Inspector
General, which has virtually destroyed the office and
deprived congressional intelligence committees of their
most important oversight tool.? Goodman?s latest book
is ?National Insecurity: The Cost of American
Militarism. He just wrote the piece The Real Benghazi
Scandal for CounterPunch. Contact him at (301)
229-8188; (240) 305-0873 or
02. ==> Benghazi: Who Cares?
With two new real issues before them ? the IRS and AP
scandals ? Ivan Eland says Congress should forget their
focus on the cover-up involving the attack on the
Benghazi diplomatic compound in Libya. ?Republicans who
really want to help the country, instead of merely
trying to foil Hillary?s possible 2016 presidential
bid, should focus on the two scandals involving serious
violations of treasured American civil liberties and on
exploring the consequential inadvertent downsides to
profligate U.S. military interventions overseas.
Americans don?t usually vote on foreign policy unless a
huge catastrophe has occurred (although tragic,
Benghazi does not rise to that level). 2016 is a long
way off, and the American public doesn?t even care
about the issue now. By 2016, voters even will have
forgotten where Benghazi is or what happened there.?
Eland is a senior fellow and director of the Center on
Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, a non-
profit, non-partisan, research and educational
organization. Contact him at (703) 282-3484 (cell);
03. ==> Like Jolie, She had Double Mastectomy
Everyone is talking about Angelina Jolie?s recent
prophylactic double mastectomy, but can we really
comprehend what is involved? Susan Armstrong can. ?I
applaud Ms. Jolie for her choice in removing both
breasts and her decision to go public. I had the same
surgery 12 years ago and allowed a documentary to be
made about it.? Invite her on your show to share her
journey and what it?s like to make that difficult
medical choice. ?It is not a decision that I would
recommend women take lightly. The emotional and
physical effects of the surgery are monumental and the
decision should be carefully researched and weighed. My
surgery was almost 2 years from start to finish as a
result of complications. This is not something people
usually factor in ? and they really should.? Susan
Armstrong is a corporate and organizational trainer and
a personal growth teacher, author and coach. She?s
appeared on numerous radio and TV programs and is the
author of ?An Invisible Prison? her story of triumph
over self-defeating behaviors. Contact her at (416)
04.? ==> Mastectomy Is Not the Only Choice
Anna Manayan worries that Angelina Jolie?s decision to
have a double mastectomy may make some women think
that?s the only way to deal with having an increased
risk for breast cancer. Manayan, a holistic clinician,
says women have other options and don?t have to take
drastic measures out of fear. Invite her to explain how
risk for estrogen based breast cancer can be minimized
by improving estrogen detoxification, the 3 signs that
you?re at risk for breast cancer, and what you can do
to reduce your risk even with ?bad? gene markers -
without cutting your breasts off! Manayan is a
metabolic/immune specialist who treats patients with
severely compromised liver detoxification pathway
issues. She?s the founder of Immune Matrix and an
attorney who donates her time to assist on legal
matters concerning insurance coverage for alternative
medical care, acupuncture, and rules and regulations
regarding the use of herbal medicine. She?s been
featured on CNN, CNBC & MSNBC. Contact her at (408)
05. ==> 1,000 Teens Will Die in Cars this Summer
Proms, graduation parties ? teens are gathering,
partying and getting in a lot of accidents this time of
year. Certified defensive driving instructor Robert
Ragazzo says while most parents worry about their teens
drinking and driving, there are other reasons to also
be concerned. Ragazzo will explain other dangerous
behaviors that cause kids to have accidents. ?Kids
spend 44% more time in cars during the summer. They
also pile into cars causing distractions to the driver.
And then there are everyday distractions like cell
phones, music and being in a summer mindset that create
a deadly mix of ingredients for driving safely.? Bob
encourages parents to teach their teens to treat every
other driver as either drunk or stupid and says
limiting kids? access to cars in the summer and
volunteering to drive, especially for late night
activities, can help keep them safe ? and alive ? this
summer. Ragazzo specializes in training 15- to 24-year
old drivers and is the founder of Save Your Teen Contact him at (908) 451-0480; or
06. ==> Lower the DUI limit?
The National Transportation Safety Board has
recommended states lower the legal limit for blood-
alcohol content from 0.08 to 0.05. The suggestion is
controversial; drunk driving is a stubborn national
problem that accounts for one-third of all traffic
deaths but is this the way to make our roads safer? Not
according to Mike M., a recovering alcoholic with two
DUIs who has been sober for two years. Mike will
explain why lowering the level that much would send a
message of? zero tolerance for any alcohol whatsoever.
He says it would penalize people who don?t have a
drinking problem and maybe weren?t even too impaired to
drive safely. More importantly, he says,? it would have
zero effect on stopping an alcoholic from driving. Mike
M is the author of ?Alcoholics Anonymous Field Guide:
Your First 30 Days.? Contact him at (520) 331-1390
07. ==> Avoid Shady Contractor Scams
It?s spring remodeling season! But finding a contractor
can be a daunting experience. Many people avoid
tackling home remodeling projects because they?ve heard
horror stories of people being taken advantage of by
their general contractors. Martin Simmons will explain
what you need to know before hiring a contractor, to
ensure you?re not the next victim of a home remodeling
scam. Simmons has worked in the construction industry
for over 30 years. He?s the author of ?Contractors
Exposed: How to Win the Home Improvement Game.? Contact
him at (208) 547-7709;
08. ==> Job Advice for New Grads
Twenty years ago finding a job was relatively
straightforward: Work with a headhunter or scour the
ads in the newspaper each Sunday. Today, it?s all about
relationships and how effectively you?re able to mine
the hidden job market where, according to career coach
Michelle Riklan, 95 percent of all the jobs actually
are! She?ll explain how the economic landscape has
changed the way companies fill jobs and share
strategies and foolproof ways to tap into this new
market. You?ll learn 5 fatal mistakes job seekers make
and how to avoid them, what grads need to know before
they even start their job search, and the secret
formula that will ensure your resume doesn?t land in
the trash can. Michelle Riklan is an award-winning
resume writer and a featured author in ?101 Great Ways
to Enhance Your Career.? She writes a weekly column in
Matters magazine and is co-founder of Self Improvement
Online, Inc., an online resource for self-improvement
information. Contact her at (800) 540-3609;
09. ==> Drug Addiction Today ? It?s Not What You Think
When you think of drug addicts you likely picture
street junkies, but the truth is deaths from
prescription drug overdoses now outstrip deaths from
heroin and cocaine combined, and the trend isn?t likely
to be reversed anytime soon. Invite Richard Taite of
the Cliffside Malibu Treatment Center to talk about the
issue and explain why prescription drugs are so deadly
and why the traditional 12-step recovery program often
fails. Taite says America?s over-reliance on
prescription drugs is a symptom of a larger problem
that needs to be addressed in a new type of recovery
program for the 21st century. Richard Taite is co-
author of ?Ending Addiction for Good.? Contact Lynn
Wiese at (520) 575-8302 (AZ); (520) 247-1064 (cell) or
10. ==> May 17th ? Food Revolution Day
Linda Watson is a ?food evangelist? whose mission is to
help people save money, eat fabulous food, and save the
world. Watson says ?There?s no need to wait for
companies to label food or the government to protect
us.? For a great show, celebrate Food Revolution Day,
May 17th, and invite her to share how your listeners
can afford organic food even on a food-stamp budget,
where to find bargains at local farmers? markets, and
why cooking real, healthy foods from scratch is one of
the most powerful ways to protect your family and the
planet. Linda Watson is the author of ?Wildly
Affordable Organic: Eat Fabulous Food, Get Healthy, and
Save the Planet?All on $5 a Day or Less.? Contact her
at (888) 242-4944 (NC);
11. ==> Two Surprising Foods that are Killing You
You?ve heard of dishes that are to die for, but the
possibility that your dinner might actually do you in
is probably not at the top of your worry list. But Dr.
Gary Epler says a patient?s diet is nearly always a
factor in chronic disease cases and, although you may
prefer not to think about it, there?s a very good
chance that eating the wrong kinds of food will shorten
your life. Invite Dr. Epler to clear up misconceptions
about how to eat as he explains why counting calories
is the wrong way to stay healthy and energized and lose
weight. You?ll learn two foods that are killing you and
three foods that will give you unlimited energy. An
internationally-known pulmonary and critical care
professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Epler is the
author of ?Food: You?re the Boss.? Contact him at (617)
680-0650 (MA);
12. ==> Bill Kids for Cell Phone Use!
Most kids don?t have a clue about the costs associated
with the family cell phone plan. Financial expert
Denise Winston says that?s why parents should make them
use some of their allowance to pay an appropriate share
of the cell phone costs as part of their overall
financial and survival education. With many college
grads leaving school owing tens of thousands of dollars
in loans, Denise says it?s important to teach kids how
to effectively manage money early on to ensure they?ll
have the independence to live well on their own? not in
the family basement. She says a child?s future credit
score is even more important than their GPA and will
share easy ways to use an allowance to teach money
management to even the youngest kids, even if your own
financial situation is a mess. A media veteran with
more than 100 live TV appearances, Denise Winston is
the author of ?Money Start$ Here! Your Practical Guide
to Survive and Thrive in Any Economy.? Contact her at
(661) 333-5247 (CA);
13. ==> What Your Kids? Handwriting Can Tell You
Think handwriting analysis is just for criminals? David
?Doc? Grayson says you can use it to figure out what?s
going on with anyone. In fact, Grayson says, it can be
a great tool to help parents understand what?s going on
in their kids? brains. Grayson, a handwriting expert
who?s studied handwriting and children for decades,
will share 5 things you can learn from a child?s
handwriting ? and what to do with that knowledge. He?ll
talk about the science of handwriting and what it can
tell you about your partner, your coworkers, and even
yourself. David Grayson, Ed.D,, will analyze
handwriting samples from show staff and audience
members on the air. In addition to working with police
departments, lawyers and small businesses, he was a
teacher for more than 40 years. His book is
?Handwriting Secrets Revealed: The Book on Handwriting
Analysis.? Contact him at (708) 524-1091 (IL); or
14. ==> Better a Paycheck ? Find a Career
Some people measure success by how much they earn and
how high they climb on the corporate ladder, but even
seemingly high achievers may be selling themselves
short. Dr. Tom Tavantzis says the factors that govern
job satisfaction go far beyond pay and power, and
ignoring those ?other? factors can leave you stuck
doing a job you absolutely hate, even if the pay is
good and you do it well! Dr. Tavantzis will explain how
to capitalize on your natural strengths to achieve a
more fulfilling career and reveal why people think they
know their strengths? and why they?re usually wrong.
Dr. Tom Tavantzis has been a licensed psychologist for
more than 30 years. He?s the founder and president of
Innovative Management Development, a leadership and
team consulting practice and the author of ?Hardwired:
Your Talents at Work.? Contact him at (610) 420-0900
15. ==> Hilarious Show on Midlife Crises
Approaching middle-age used to mean a red Ferrari and
dating a model.? But today?s midlife crises are more
likely to involve men confronting past mistakes, and
according to screenwriter, novelist and Huffington Post
blogger John Blumenthal, they often include reflections
on the past and questions about the future. For a take
on life that will leave your audiences howling, have
Blumenthal explain how trying to relive your past could
be the worst idea ever, and why his latest book, ?Three
and a Half Virgins? (described as a cross between
American Pie, Crazy, Stupid, Love and The Forty-Year-
Old Virgin), resonates with today?s middle-aged men
After a career as a Playboy magazine editor and
Hollywood screenwriter, Blumenthal turned to writing
novels. He also writes about Boomer issues and comedy
for the Huffington Post. Contact him at (310) 451-4901
16. ==> How to Say No Without Looking Selfish
Everyone says you?re too nice to say no. And that?s why
you find yourself baking three dozen cookies for a
birthday party for a co-worker you barely know,
shopping for Styrofoam balls for your daughter?s
science fair solar system, and taking four calls from
the PTA president, who wants to know if you?ll
volunteer to set up the stage for next month?s spring
musical ? all in the course of an hour or two. And it?s
all because you didn?t want to be seen as selfish. Kim
Shannon says saying no doesn?t make you selfish and
will share how you can do it ? to co-workers, your
friends and even your mother-in-law ? in a way that?s
assertive, compassionate, and smart. Shannon is the
director of Good Girls Anonymous, an international
coaching program for women ready to break the rules of
perfectionism and people pleasing. Her upcoming book is
?The Good Girl Addiction.? Contact her at (415)
407-5433 (CO);
17. ==> Orthodox Jew Shares Her Bipolar Journey
Entering the business world after college is difficult
for many, but for Linda Naomi Katz, the transition was
particularly challenging. When the time came to go out
on her own, Katz experienced episodes of intense
excitement followed by crushing depression, and her
thoughts raced. Katz has bipolar disorder, a mental
illness characterized by extreme mood swings. After the
problem was diagnosed, Katz?s life became about
surviving with the illness and triumphing over it.
She?ll explain how coping with the stigma of mental
illness wasn?t easy, particularly in the Orthodox
Jewish community to which she belonged, and in the
dating scene. Katz has volunteered for a variety of
mental health organizations, worked for agencies that
help those with mental illness, and published articles
in New York City Voices, a newspaper for people with
mental illness. She?s the author of ?Surviving Mental
Illness.? Contact her at (718) 261-3772 (NY);
18 ==> Change the Way You Age
Genie James is convinced that too many women are
spending too much money, time and worry battling
thickening waists, wrinkles, memory loss and low
libido. She interviewed dozens of pioneering medical
researchers and ordinary women over the age of 35
because, she says, ?It?s time to cut through the
clutter and confusion of anti-aging research and
products and get to the facts.? You?ll learn which
anti-aging advice is just plain junk or even harmful,
why what?s good for your waist is good for your face,
and what many doctors still don?t know about
personalized medicine. Genie James? anti-aging advice
has been featured in numerous magazines including
Prevention, Natural Health and Esquire and she hosts a
regular radio segment on women?s topics. Her latest
book is ?The Fountain of Truth: Outsmart Hype, False
Hope, and Heredity to Recalibrate How You Age.?
Contact Kim Weiss at
19. ==> Natural Allergy Remedies
If your allergies are driving you crazy this time of
year, you?re not alone. More than 32 million Americans
suffer the red, itchy eyes, runny nose and overall
misery of seasonal allergies.
Here?s the good news: an ancient medicine can offer
quick relief ? without side effects. Acupuncture, herbs
and traditional Chinese medicine have been shown to
greatly reduce and in some cases eliminate allergy
symptoms. Dr. Ed Lamadrid, known as the ?Dr. Oz? of
alternative medicine, will share which supplements and
herbs can help you survive the sneezing season, how
chamomile, green tea and peppermint tea can relieve
nasal and sinus congestion and hay fever symptoms, and
why local honey may have a mild vaccinating effect,
since the bees are accumulating pollen from local
flora. A pioneering doctor of acupuncture and oriental
medicine, Dr. Ed Lamadrid is the founder of Integrative
Health Studio in New York City and Chicago and the
campus director and a professor at Pacific College of
Oriental Medicine. He?s been featured on many TV shows
and in print media. Contact him at (917) 741-7419;
20. ==> Going Barefoot Could Save Your Life
When?s the last time you actually touched the earth ?
ran barefoot on the sand, swam in the ocean, or
gardened with your hands in the dirt? While it may
sound a little bit ?out there,? the concept is called
grounding, and it?s a significant factor in your
physical wellbeing. Dr. William Courter will explain
why your body needs electrons to capture free radicals
(a natural byproduct of your body when it detoxifies
certain chemicals, degrades toxins or fights
inflammation) that can cause damage to your cells and
DNA. Dr. Courter says the earth?s surface is like a
battery, providing the necessary charge to help us
reduce pain and swelling, heal faster, decrease stress,
and age more slowly. He?ll share how grounding can
improve allergies, arthritis, asthma, heart disease and
a host of other physical conditions and diseases.
William Courter, M.D., is a psychiatrist and the
founder of The Boomer Health Institute. His book is
?The Boomer Survival Kit: An Indispensible Guide for
Yourself, Your Relationships, Your Life.? Contact him
at (949) 677-0628 (CA);
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